
Showing posts from May, 2016


Iyameni watched with a smile on her face as Arinze got up and walked to the window. He was a beautiful specimen. Tall, dark and solid, even in his nudity.She watched the supple muscles move and the veins twitch. He was beautiful to look at.  The room was cold from the air conditioner. She tucked herself further into the covers. Her grandmother had told her with all seriousness, with that voice that comes with age and wisdom and concern, "Meni, my dear. You have to grab what you want. People are generally stupid. Don't let their stupidity cloud your judgement." She believed grandma. She believed grandma all the time. Arinze was her classmate at the University of Southampton. He had come there for his Master's program which he had almost completed. He was like her academically, though more passionate about Public Health than she was. He had a good heart, caring for the less privileged, helping the orphans and the women whom life had dealt a hard blow. He was a lov...


    Madonna was a good girl. She was one of those girls who swore by every thing they believed in that they were going to marry as virgins. Her friends looked up to her ideals-strong and sturdy. She built a brand of resilience and strength. She was the Nigerian version of Rock of Gibraltar. She was a strong willed beauty.    As she grew older. her principles started fazing out. Though seemingly perfect on the exterior, she wanted to explore the world - the boys in particular. They were novel to her and the more she savored them, the more she wanted more.     Then came James. He was tall, dark and handsome and though he was in a relationship, she wanted a bite of that apple. They became very close friends. He took her out on endless dates, bought her thoughtful gifts, told her stories about himself and his family. She enjoyed his company.     The physical attraction was there but being her usual principled self, she set the 'rul...


You know that feeling when you finally meet a goal. It's absolutely exhilarating!!!! Today, with the help of my friends, Edu, Sancy, Nelo and Chuma, I finally did something I've been wanting to do for months. Now that I've done it, I feel relieved. The aim of this blog is to share my stories, to share stories that I've read and loved, to review books, to review and compare the characters of my favourite protagonists and relate them to the human living sphere,et cetra. So enjoy and comment and feel free to share your opinions. We are a family...a Nubian family...and this is our home!