
Showing posts from July, 2018


Two years ago, I decided to start a blog. I loved the idea back then and I really felt that blogging will be an avenue for me to share my life and thoughts with the world. I, first, got a WordPress account (which I couldn't get the hang of) then I switched to this platform: Blogger. Blogged suited me perfectly as it was easy to navigate and very cost effective. I wrote a few articles....and then I stopped. My reasons ranged from my inability to blog with my phone to my laziness as regards writing and many more reasons which my head can't wrap itself around now. I just stopped. Though, once in a while, I did remember I had a blog, this blog was all but forgotten. In a few months time, I'll be graduating from the University and I have decided to be more deliberate with my life and the things I venture into. My next post will be my goals for the next 1 year....especially post graduation and how I intend to achieve them. Reigniting my love for writing is something that ha...