Two years ago, I decided to start a blog. I loved the idea back then and I really felt that blogging will be an avenue for me to share my life and thoughts with the world. I, first, got a WordPress account (which I couldn't get the hang of) then I switched to this platform: Blogger. Blogged suited me perfectly as it was easy to navigate and very cost effective. I wrote a few articles....and then I stopped. My reasons ranged from my inability to blog with my phone to my laziness as regards writing and many more reasons which my head can't wrap itself around now. I just stopped. Though, once in a while, I did remember I had a blog, this blog was all but forgotten.

In a few months time, I'll be graduating from the University and I have decided to be more deliberate with my life and the things I venture into. My next post will be my goals for the next 1 year....especially post graduation and how I intend to achieve them. Reigniting my love for writing is something that has been on my list for a long time and I'm glad that, with the aid of this blog, I'll be able to tell my stories freely and without hindrance.

Though this blog will be having a very personal and random touch, there are other personal things I would love to use this platform to discuss. The topics will be ranging from book reviews to movie reviews, character reviews, nation building, personal growth and much more. Of course, there'll be short stories too (I really love stories) written by me.

I wouldn't be taking down the previous posts from years back. Though I'm starting afresh, I would like to have blog reminders of the posts I made the first time I started. Going down history lane is a very beautiful process that I strongly feel we all should be a part of. And I wouldn't want to discard my days of early beginnings.

Please stay tuned to this blog and walk with me as I overcome my writer's block and analyse your favourite books and movies through my atypical lenses. I would also love to have a community of people who share their thoughts and frequently comment on each post. That way, a family of readers and critiques can be built. Feel free to call me out on any sign of me giving up or throwing in the towel.

Much Love,



  1. I can't wait for your blog to grow. Would be really interesting. The way you inspire people without knowing. We must continue to grow and improve ourselves everyday.

    1. Thank you so much dear! Do you write? You should. I'll be happy to share your posts on my blog 🤗

  2. Akudo, it is your duty to inspire us. It is our duty to stay connected to your very rich, deep and ravishing soul, through your writeups. I am here. Don't stop writing. Thanks for sharing yourself ingeniously with your world. I think every genius should be appreciated first for taking that bold step to share his ideas and visions. Daalu!

    1. Gerald, you are loved. Wholeheartedly! Thank you! 🤗

  3. I look forward to reading your blogs. I think I am still in the phase of writer's block. My blog http://kennedyodokonyero.blogspot.com hasn't been updated in a very long time. Hopefully your blog can motivate me to start blogging again.

    1. Dear Kennedy, thank you! Have you overcome your writer's block? 🤗🤗🤗🙂

  4. Obianuju Ndedigwe24 January 2019 at 08:20

    Dope stuff you've got running here ��

    1. Thank you dearie! 🤗🤗🤗


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