Your Doctor will give you drugs without properly labelling them. You will not bother to ask him, 'Doctor, what is the name of this drug you said I should take?' You'll foolishly take the drugs home, take a picture and finish them. Then you'll carry yourself to me to say, 'Pharm, please help me identify this drugs.' Sorry my dear, I will not do that. There are thousands of drugs in circulation with many looking like other members of different class. Some of these drugs come with no markings on them. You are then asking me to do guess work so that when you kill yourself, you'll say I killed you. No my dear. Go back to your Doctor and ask him to tell you what he gave you.

Some even go, 'You should understand na. The Doctor is always in a bad mood. I was afraid to ask him.' Me: Lol. And you are not afraid to ask me abi? Go back to your doctor. Just as I am here to serve you properly and courteously, he is also there to serve you in the same manner.

If you are too scared to ask your Doctor important questions or ask him for the names of your drugs and why you have to use each one, then something is seriously wrong with both you and your Doctor.

When I hear these annoying 'I was afraid of my Doctor and I couldn't say or ask xyz', I simply sigh. Because these professionals who act like gods here in this country to their colleagues and their patients here in Nigeria will migrate to Canada or other developed nations and will become the epitome of humility and professional cooperation and partnership.


Just remembered a personal experience with this stupid practice. I was ill sometime in 2017/18 and I went to a hospital. After everything, they brought out drugs, about 4 different ones, injections inclusive, and handed it over to me and asked me to go with the nurse to take an injection. Me: What is the name of this injection you want to give me? Hospital: We cannot tell you. It's against our policy. Yen yen yen. Me: the names of the drugs nko? Same response. That day I went mad. Are you okay? You're telling me that I don't have the right to know my own drugs because of some stupid policy? I jejely asked them to not bother again. I am going elsewhere. Collected my money back and was on my way out.

They apologized and told me the names of the drugs. That they are only telling me because of my profession and, ordinarily, they don't tell their patients the drug names.

Another argument ensued. 

You are mandated to let your patient know EVERY SINGLE DETAIL OF THEIR THERAPY. Every detail. You should NOT hide anything from them. What if I have a drug allergy that you don't know about and you are giving me that drug under the guise of some stupid policy? What if the reaction starts when I get home, I am rushed to another hospital and I am asked what drugs I took? What do I say? You know people can die from this foolishness?

We take a whole lot for granted honestly. There's nothing worse than not knowing your rights. If you have no idea what you should be entitled to ordinarily, how do you protect your rights from individuals who want to interfere with your rights?
People overstep basic boundaries and get away with them because the victims don't even know that these things shouldn't be the norm in the first place. This is what you get when you live in pure anarchy. The people who do these nonsense and get away with it here will not have the temerity to try it in saner climes.

Today is not the day to talk about lab scientists and this recent trend of them prescribing medicines....and writing on their laboratory report that a patient is resistant to Augmentin but sensitive to Amoxicillin.

We will all be alright....only when we start addressing the issues that matter.


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