
Showing posts from 2016


He had autism from birth. A developmental disorder that hampered his acceptance by the external society. People thought him weird and strange and treated him the way we commonly treat things that we do not understand. The only person who initially accepted him was his mother. (A big shoutout to all the inspiring mothers out there!!!). She loved him unconditionally, despite his defect and taught him all he needed to survive this world. And through his love for humanity and his willingness to contribute his positive quota, and kick against negative, strife-causing ideologies, he was able to bring a very bright ray of light to every gloomy situation he encountered and to the little part of the universe he occupied. We can make our world a better place through the little acts of kindness we show and goodness we do. We don't need to be a President, a Governor or a Senator. We just need to be ourselves, despite the challenges we face; health, academic, family, genetic, financial, e.t.c;...


I was supposed to give a talk about HIV/AIDS to the students of a public secondary school in Awka whose name I would rather not mention for the sake of the government. I do not have a problem with the school and the innocent young minds being raised in the school. My focus is on a particular lady whose name I didn't bother to ask for. We were about to begin the talk when she called me aside, into her office to 'speak to me'. In a voice heavy with judgement and self-righteousness, she told me how 'indecently' I was dressed, yammering and yammering about God and decency and morality and all her self-righteousness...that they don't even allow corpers wear their NYSC trousers to the school and they fire all their female staff who wore trousers. I looked at myself, dressed in a very decent, non-revealing black top and a pair of very decent black trousers and couldn't see the indecency in my attire. I respected her age and accompanied her to see the Principal. S...


The deepest most darkest of hells and the most beautiful of heavens, with us they all dwell. For in the silence of our minds our demons step into the light. The reside within us all; doubt, pain, worry, fear, anger, depression. A part of us as we are part of them. In our ignorance we run, we pray, we fight and kick hard against them believing they are forces outside our beings. Little we know that only in the silence of the minds do our true enemies step out to the battlefield. This has proved to be the noblest, greatest, most stormy, bloodiest and loudest of fights. Yet the most silent because it is only within that it is fought. Only in the silence of the mind We feign escapes ever so temporary in nature, in friends, lovers, alcohol, work and '' goals '', but as we can never truly run from ourselves so it is true for the demons that rest in the silence of our minds. For they wait in eternal patience for the slightest problems, smallest of disappointments and li...

Guest Post by Okoli Muna

Diary of a confused Pharmacy student . Episode 1 Wait!! Before you start seeing me as one of those pharmacist wannabes that just wanted to be a pharmacist without studying pharmacy, I am a pharmacy student who was recently introduced to the vast world of pharmacology with a near little knowledge of Pathology and dosing. This was my situation or something worse than this when my faculty decided in it's generosity to send me on an emergency IT. The frenzy and Euphoria it created amongst my colleagues got me more interested as my first vow of I must go for IT came when as a freshman in the campus, I was lured to attend the first NFCPS fellowship. At that fellowship the way and manner the Magnifique class of 015 brandished and danced from front to back a fat looking envelope. I won't want to talk about the sad tales I got from my elder colleagues whom told me of our different it is in the practice. I brushed them off saying my case should be different. As the frenzy died down, a...

The Man In Every Woman

Some years back, I had a life changing experience. I met a very, young, orphaned Hausa family- 9 children from my count- with the oldest being a very tiny 9 year old girl with a baby tied to her scrawny back. They looked incredibly hungry and, though they were skeptical about the food I offered them, they ate it with relish when they realized that I meant them no harm. Seven year old Aisha burst into tears when her ‘aunties’ were about to leave. Her mummy just died and now, we all were leaving too. We had to reassure her that we will be back just to stop her torrent of tears. A conversation ensued with these ‘aunties’ and I, and though my grasp of Hausa is zero and pidgin English is very poor, I really wanted to know what the fate of these children would be. They told me that, after their mother’s burial some days from then, the first two girls, Aisha and Halima, would be going to their husband’s house. They said it with pride…like it was a thi...

Dinner night!!!! Legacy Day 6

Though the dinner started late, it was one of the most beautiful dinners ever. It had it's highs and lows though the highs exceeded the lows. Funny seeing about 10 bus loads of people which made me wonder where everyone had been hiding all this while. The ladies and gents stepped out, looking as beautiful and as dapper as the MVAs and AMAAs and.....I observed the beauty of it all. Pharm students are sights for sore eyes. They came...from east and west and north and south.....and it was so amazing to look at....the beauty of a National Convention. Below are pictures of the awards (presented by the PSN-PANS COORDINATOR, Pharm Uzoma Nwigudu, then by the President, Emeghebo Chika and then by the SSA to the Anambra State Governor on Pharmaceutical Matters, Pharm Okaa Valentine ) part of the night: ...