He had autism from birth. A developmental disorder that hampered his acceptance by the external society. People thought him weird and strange and treated him the way we commonly treat things that we do not understand. The only person who initially accepted him was his mother. (A big shoutout to all the inspiring mothers out there!!!). She loved him unconditionally, despite his defect and taught him all he needed to survive this world. And through his love for humanity and his willingness to contribute his positive quota, and kick against negative, strife-causing ideologies, he was able to bring a very bright ray of light to every gloomy situation he encountered and to the little part of the universe he occupied.

We can make our world a better place through the little acts of kindness we show and goodness we do. We don't need to be a President, a Governor or a Senator. We just need to be ourselves, despite the challenges we face; health, academic, family, genetic, financial, e.t.c; understanding that;
1) Love does a lot more good than hate, and vengeance drills much deeper into the hole that forgiveness would have helped heal.
2) There are only two types of people in tge world. Good people, who do good deeds. Bad people, who do bad deeds. We are defined by the deeds we do in our little time on earth - not by our skin colour, social class, religious affiliation, race, gender, e.t.c.
3) Love conquers all things.

As we celebrate Christ Jesus this season, let us remember his key message: LOVE. Compliments of the season everyone. Make your corner of the universe brighter and better by your presence.


Inspired by the movie MY NAME IS KHAN.
(Some Bollywood movies are so educational and inspiring that tears do a free fall down my face😉😉😉).


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