As inspired by Faith Wanjohi from Kenya
*******************************************       LIFE
Life, to me, is a gift. A gift from God and I strongly believe we were put on this earth to make a mark/impact. I believe noone(including me) is indispensable and that everyone is important.
I also believe in humanity and God. I don't believe in religion....people hide under the guise of it to cause more and more damage to the world. I don't believe in injustice and marginalization ....of any sort.
I have role models and mentors not because I want to be like them but because, watching them, my path can be properly guided and I can be well motivated to achieve my goals.
I have a love/hate relationship with people. People are a blessing but sometimes they can be frustrating.
In general, I love life.☺

A zillion. My sister says that I am a jack of all trades. I agree. I don't believe a person should be limited to any path he/she chooses to follow. If you can do it all, please do. If you have passion for something, run with it.
1) I wanna be an influencer. I want my life to be a source of inspiration to others.
2) I want to be rich. I'm not greedy though but the state of my economy has taught me that money rules the world. You will make little or no impact without it.
3) Marriage. For companionship sake. I don't believe in settling down. Why must I settle down? When I have a world out there to conquer.
5) I want to heal the world and make it a better whatever means possible. If Pharmacy would help me achieve that, then great. If Business will, great. If Economics will, great. If all 3 and more will, great.
6) I want to be a Nation Builder, a Global Shaper, a force to be reckoned with.
7) To make heaven at the end of it all😊

I'm happy to be alive.😅😅😅This is my greatest joy. I'm happy I'm blessed with a wonderful and supportive family. I'm happy I'm blessed with amazing friends. I'm happy I have many gifts. Quite a lot.💃🏾 Books make me does travel. I'm happy I'm loved by those who matter (if you hate me, well, we all can't be loved...I'll count that as your loss🤓). Writing....this is one gift of mine that I truly enjoy😅. I'm happy that I live in a relatively peaceful environment. ☺

I'm sad that the world is in a bad place right now. Terrorism is the order of the day...everywhere...even in my dear country, Nigeria. I'm sad about the rate of intolerance....tribal, racial, religious,'s sickening. I'm sad that the wrong people end up being the leaders. People who are apathetic. People who are there just for the name and benefits/dividends of holding an office. I'm sad that the spirit of servitude is lost among men. I'm sad that majority of the youths, the future leaders of tomorrow, aren't concerned about the fate of the future.
I'm sad I'm broke😂. I'm sad I've lost some loved ones. I'm sad that the world is sick. I'm sad that people find it easier to hate than to like.
I'm sad that we don't live in a state of utopia.

So here views about life, my goals, my joys and my sorrows.😘

Would like to hear yours in the comment section.....


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