All morning, I've been involved with intense arguments about Nigeria and tribal sectionalism. You see, in the country where I live in and hail from, today has been declared a protest day by IPOB (Indigenous People Of Biafra) for the emancipation of Biafra and the release of the unjustly imprisoned Nnamdi Kanu.

Now, while I'm against the continual marginalization of my people, the Igbos, I wouldn't advice any sane person to join in the protest. The military were told to shoot on sight  (if we protest)....or so I heard. And I don't doubt it's authencity. Some months back, my fellow tribal men who protested were gunned down in cold blood. Till date, the government has done nothing about it.

Old people that are pro-Biafra give the youths lectures about Biafra inciting a lot of hatred and spite, and when they're done, they lock themselves and their families in their houses, leaving these incited youths to go out and fight.

You see, nobody, even the old men, wants to die. We all love life. We love our lives more than the lives of the eventual victims of this genocide. And the truth is, the main victims are the youths.

We are sent to die for a cause that old people told us about. And die we do. It begs the question:
Should we sacrifice ourselves when we have elderly people in the society?
Who are these martyrs for....the next coming generation or the old dying one?
Who frees our own generation?
When and from where would our own hope come?
Are we the leaders of tomorrow or the sacrificial lambs?

I'm just lost in thought....thinking about a country that just keeps doing things wrong.

I would like to see your comments in the comment section. Create a google account and share your thoughts!!!

P.S: these pictures are recent pictures of the Anambra skyline, hours to the Biafran protest. It has an uncanny symbolism to the idea of freedom and Biafra, land of the rising sun.


  1. Good piece Akudo... my response will come shortly. Cheers

  2. Good piece Akudo... my response will come shortly. Cheers


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