My Religion Is Different From Your Religion
Of late, I've been involved in a lot of religious arguments. 'Plenty' is even an understatement. And I've come to the realization that a large number of the religious are religious simply because of the society they live in. We force ourselves to conform mentally, physically, spiritually and otherwise to the standards already set down by another fellow or group of fellows. And when we see someone doing things differently from the way we do, all hell is let loose.
My mantra is always LIVE AND LET LIVE. Cos everybody cannot conform to the standards we expect of them, religious and otherwise.
Christians should let Muslims be. How would you feel if a Muslim comes to preach to you morning, afternoon and evening, trying to convince you that the Christ you worship isn't the saviour afterall? How would you feel if a Pentecostal fellow comes to tell you that your Mary shouldn't be honoured and that she's just an overpraised god? Exactly how you will feel when Jehovah Witness come to tell you about their rules and regulations, the Yahweh, the blood transfusion ish.
Rather than trying to make ourselves sound righteous, let's us just learn to tolerate that we all are comfortable with whoever and whatever and however we choose to worship. We are cool with it. Leave others alone. And if someone else chooses to believe that there's no God, well, just continue to serve your God. And if your God decides to convert the fellow (example: Paul and the light), let him do as he will. After all, HE IS GOD.
My religion is not your religion. Your religion is not mine. Our religion doesn't sit well with others. And vice versa. The earlier we accept this and learn to tolerate our religious differences, the better for all of us.
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