RANT 101

Maybe I'm breaking societal and cultural norms but I intend to keep breaking and destroying them, and if you disturb me, I might destroy you too.

My interest today is about Relationships.
Let's get something clear first. I AM NOT A RELATIONSHIP EXPERT. I am a 'ME' expert. I know me and what I want and believe in more anybody else does. So, based on this, I'll be using me as a case study.

Ever met a guy who is indecisive about what he wants in life and in a woman? Don't look too far. A lot of them abound around you. 

These guys want you and yet, their dedication to you is dependent on external factors;
'My Pastor said.....
'My mother said.....
'My sister said.....
'My tradition said.....
'My ancestors said.....
'My corpse said.....
Arrant nonsense!!!

Make up your mind! You can't claim to be an adult male and still be dependent upon people to make life changing decisions for you.

God gave you a brain and a mind and a capacity to think. Use it!

If something doesn't sit well with you, say it, excuse yourself and take responsibility for excusing yourself. Don't pass the blame to anybody.

After the age of 18, you are officially responsible for your decisions, mistakes, successes and the likes. Own it. Claim responsibility. Don't try to blame anyone for your indecisiveness.

And if you try to stay in a situation that doesn't sit well with you out of fear of what might happen, brother and sister, anything that happens is your fault. Simple!

Don't start throwing blames....or saying stuff like, "I stayed because of you" or "I lived because of you" or "I'm poor because of you".

You should stay because you want to stay. You should leave because you want to leave. You should make decisions based on how the situation directly affects your life and your vision. You are the captain of your own ship. The moment you hand over the ship to be captained by another, the moment you begin to drown or deviate....especially when he/she doesn't know what your ship is all about or the direction your ship is meant to go.

You owe yourself everything. Be kind enough to give yourself what you need and deserve to be happy and fulfilled.



  1. This is soulful and beautiful. So much courage exudes here from an amazingly ravishing woman. Nne I believe you and I should make you happy by telling you that I gained my own independence at age 15! And I am not regretting it. All I wanted to do that was seen as madness was later accepted by all and sundry when the light came shinning in. The problem is, young people lack depth. They don't visit their minds to ascertain what is good for them. We must emancipate this generation from mental slavery. Thanks for taking the lead. In the traditional Igbo society, women have always been visionary thinkers and strength in tough struggles. Be that to us as always! Cheers.

  2. And I forgot to add, "rant on bae!"

  3. Lol.�� �� �� Thanks for the compliment dearie!It's amazing to see emancipated youths who live their dreams and pursue their goals to fullest not minding what the self-restricting society says or does.


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